Today (March 3rd 2013) I noticed my webpage was suddenly down, of course I thought the problem was on my server, especially since I just updated some things on it.

I couldn’t find anything out of the order, and I checked some of the other sites I run on the server, they were ok.

Then I paid attention to the error chrome was giving, it said something about DNS error. so I went to to see what was going on, but their page was down as well.

I headed over to their twitter and facebook to see if they had some information about this issue.

Cloduflare down twitter status

The problem affected both their proxy service as well as their DNS service and was a result of bad routing, and appeared around 11.00 CET and lasted for about 1 hour.

A simple search for #cloudflare on twitter yielded alot of frustrated peoples and customers pulling their hair out because of this “blackout”